(Click on the Gold Text for Business Information or Location.)
Chapter Event Anime Corpus Christi February 7-9, 2025 American Bank Center - 1901 N Shoreline Blvd, Corpus Christi, TX 78401 We will be attending this event to enjoy pop culture activities, we also will have a table for us to engage with people who are interested in our Group. (Sign Up information on our Facebook Group Page) Chapter Meeting "Broken Horn Toys & Collectables (Signage Says "Toy & Comic Junkie") 4455 South Padre Island Drive Corpus Christi, TX 78411 February 15 @6pm Our Monthly club Meeting to discuss club business and socialize. Note: Ordinarily or Chapter Meetings are at 7pm but in order to better accommodate the business we will be having it earlier than we normally do. Chapter Meeting BWB Resturaunt - Rodd Field & Saratoga March 1st @7pm 7114 Saratoga Blvd Suite 222, Corpus Christi, TX 78414 Our Monthly club Meeting to discuss club business and socialize. Chapter Event Movie Night - Lieutenant Commander Rock's House Movie: Star Trek - Section 31 March 15th @ 5pm Lieutenant Commander Rock's is opening up their home so we can watch a movie. This Movie night is also potluck which we will need people to bring food items to eat and snack on during the movie. For Location information contact command Staff via Facebook. |